10 Forgotten WWE Authority Figures You Totally Don't Remember

4. Sean Morley: Raw Chief of Staff

Michael Pena WWE Raw 2007

Raw was a trip during the second half of 2002. WWE's ratings ploys included booking "Hot Lesbian Action" and the dire Katie Vick angle that included outing Kane as a possible necrophiliac. Where was Tony Schiavone to sneer and say "that'll put butts in seats" when you needed him?! Jokes aside, the content was awful.

Eric Bischoff was a shining light as brand GM, to be fair, but then WWE decided to muck that up by making Val Venis his assistant in November. Actually, this wasn't porn star Val - it was Sean Morley. Or "Chief" Morley as Bisch referred to him as on-screen. Morley's gig was to mop up any messes Eric created, and infuriate babyfaces into the bargain.

This droned on until May 2003, and was completely forgettable. Future co-GM Steve Austin later rehired Morley under his old Venis gimmick, and the whole "Chief" experiment was downplayed. It hadn't achieved much (if anything) anyway.

No butts were put in seats, but at least the Val Venis name is being put to better use today.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.