10 Forgotten WWE Authority Figures You Totally Don't Remember

3. Johnny Nitro: Assistant Raw General Manager

Michael Pena WWE Raw 2007

That didn't stop WWE from trying again.

Bischoff got another assistant in March 2004. Johnny Blaze/Nitro/Spade (depending on the week) showed up to offer his services, and it was implied that the surname Nitro would inspire Eric to return to his glory days of booking the hottest show on TV. Yes, Raw wanted to become Nitro circa 1997.

Nitro didn't last quite as long as "Chief" Morley. He was only assistant for three months before the idea was scrapped in June. Bischoff fired Johnny when he lost a match to babyface pest Eugene; Nitro turned into a full-time wrestler after that, and formed MNM with Joey Mercury and Melina before later being renamed John Morrison.

His three-month run as Bischoff's second in command didn't make a splash with fans. It was over in the blink of an eye, and the whole 'let's turn WWE Raw into WCW Nitro' concept being teased was never going to gain any traction either.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.