10 Forgotten WWE Managers You Totally Don't Remember

8. Clarence Mason

Prime Time Players Abraham Washington

It was always strange when the cartoonish world of the WWF tried to mimic gritty real-world events. Case in point: Clarence Mason. He was a lawyer character who was meant to capitalise on publicity from the O.J Simpson trial that had been hot news in the mid-1990s. Unsurprisingly, nobody cared.

Mason was initially Jim Cornette's attorney, but turned into a manager by guiding Crush's career once he was rehired. Then, Clarence joined the Nation Of Domination whilst still managing Owen Hart and British Bulldog (for some reason). It was pretty messy booking. Vince McMahon lost interest in the lawyer gimmick and released Mason in mid-1997.

WCW hired him after that, because of course they did. Mason's run there as J. Biggs was totally rubbish, and included him warring with Booker T over the 'T' initial. Thrilling stuff. Overall, Clarence failed to turn heads. He didn't take bumps and didn't actually do that much talking during promos.

The fact he worked for two major promotions is a head-scratcher.

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Paul Heyman
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.