10 Forgotten WWE Managers You Totally Don't Remember

7. Amy Weber

Prime Time Players Abraham Washington

Anyone who remembers Amy Weber's time as JBL's "image consultant" between 2004-2005 deserves a prize. That's some hardcore, 'I have every episode of Raw and SmackDown committed to memory' fandom right there. Y'see, Weber was only in Bradshaw's Cabinet for a short spell before leaving WWE.

Post-departure, she'd claim that bullying antics from Edge and Randy Orton pushed her out the door. Amy, who had been a Diva Search contestant in 2004, would only wrestle one match for the company during her tenure, and it was a completely forgettable angle-come-bout vs. Joy Giovanni - another female from the era that wasn't there for very long .

If you're reading this and just nodded like, 'I remember that', then you win another prize. Weber was just one of many Divas of the day who came and went without much noise. In fact, it seems there was more drama off screen than in front of the cameras.

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Paul Heyman
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.