10 Fun Facts About My Trip To WWE WrestleMania XIX

10. The Scale And The Star Power

If you haven€™t been to a WrestleMania then be prepared for the scale of how huge the stadium will look and how all your Christmas mornings will be rolled up into one. Imagine if you got the Ghostbusters fire house, the Batmobile and all the Turtles all in one go. That's that kind of euphoria you can expect to feel.

Even during the main event of the show in Safeco Field, I€™d still catch myself in awe, looking around at different areas of the stadium being amazed at how huge the event was and how many people were in this one building for the same reason I was.

Odds are that if you€™re reading this, you€™ve been to a WWE house show. maybe you were lucky enough to get to see HBK at a live event when he was in DX or Undertaker before he was reduced to wrestling a handful of matches a year, but the star power at WrestleMania will blow it out of the water.

You never know who€™s gonna show up at WrestleMania. At 'Mania XIX, much to my surprise, Roddy Piper showed up out of the blue and knocked out Hogan & Vince.

I wish I€™d taken more time to appreciate that first WrestleMania but I was so thrilled, a lot of it is a bit of a blur. On one card there was Eddie, Benoit, Hogan, Vince, Triple H, Booker, Brock, Angle, Austin, Jericho, Rock, HBK, Trish, Undertaker and a ton of other talented stars.

Surprisingly, WrestleMania XIX did a really low buyrate but, in terms of starpower, I€™m not sure if I€™ll ever attend one with more than that night in Seattle.



Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.