7. LOD Make The Fans Cry
The Hall of Fame ceremony in Atlanta was back to being in a bigger arena, which I still maintain sucks some of the atmosphere away from it. There was a stacked roster of legends being inducted that night from Jim Duggan and Shawn Michaels to the Road Warriors. When someone has died and they're inducted, it can be quite sad to watch but the fans and that performers peers peers tend to celebrate the wrestler and everybody gets through it. For the Road Warriors induction, it was Animal and Paul Ellering on the stage there without Hawk. Being in that arena, it was a little morbid because you could tell that the two men couldn't properly enjoy the moment due to the absence of Hawk. I remember my friend and I thinking that it was getting pretty depressing when, all of a sudden, a Hasbro figure of Hawk saved the day! They put it on the podium and everybody cheered that at least Hawk could be there in figure form. Animal then talked about his career with Hawk, as Paul Ellering tried to hold it together. All in all it was a great moment and a decent speech. I never thought in a million years that a toy figure of a wrestler would save a Hall of Fame speech from being depressing but it happened in Atlanta that night.
Kenny McIntosh
Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.
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