10 Funniest WWE Attitude Era Moments

4. DX Parodies Nation Of Domination And The Corporation

The feud between Degeneration X and The Nation of Domination was heating up in the summer of 19998. DX decided to make things interesting by doing a parody of the group on the July 6, 1998 edition of Raw. Triple H was The Rock (aka The Crock), Road Dogg was D-Lo Brown, Billy Gunn was The Godfather., X-Pac was Mark Henry (complete with blackface) and Owen Hart was played by a guy named Jason Sensation, who was known for doing impressions of wrestlers. There were quite a few funny lines in the skit with Sensation stealing the show as Owen. He wondered what he was doing wearing that black & yellow outfit, saying that he looked like a damn road sign. He also added that he could smell what The Rock was cooking because his nose was so big. X-Pac's impression as Henry was controversial due to the blackface he was using. You wouldn't see that kind of thing today, but back in 1998 didn't care about who they offended. http://youtu.be/_kflUgwVQpo In December of 1998, DX did another parody. This time they mocked The Corporation stable that was dominating things in WWE. This parody was the better of the two. Triple H was The Rock again, X-Pac was Ken Shamrock, Road Dogg was Vince McMahon (with two little people named Patterson & Brisco kissing his ass), Billy Gunn as Shane McMahon and Chyna was in the role of the Big Boss Man. There was also another appearance from Jason Sensation, this time as Shawn Michaels. The segment was full of laughs with Gunn wearing a diaper while holding a silver spoon. When he pulled his diaper off, The Crock told him to put the pants back on because he didn't want to smell what he was cooking. X-Pac as Shamrock was raging around the ring saying he was getting "in the zone" like Shamrock used to say. Chyna did a nightstick routine as Boss Man. Triple H was great as The Rock as he said there's only one man that can stick his own corporate head up his own corporate ass. Sensation said he was actually "HB-Gay" and that he didn't lie down for anybody because he was always bending over. As soon as the Corporation parody was over, The Rock showed up and was hilarious as he delivered catchphrases of guys that worked in WCW. That was funny too. People remember the parody of The Nation better, but in terms of quality the parody of The Corporation was better. Both were hilarious.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.