10 Funniest WWE Attitude Era Moments

3. Steve Austin And Kurt Angle Backstage Antics 2001

It sounds so silly when you think about the idea on paper, but when you remember these segments and watch them back over a decade later you realize just how amazing they were. Steve Austin and Kurt Angle were not the best of friends, but in the summer of 2001 they were on the same side as heel allies of Vince McMahon. Austin legitimately had a back injury, so he couldn't wrestle for about a month. Since he was the WWE Champion as well as the most entertaining guy on the show, they found a way to involve him in backstage segments. There was a period where Austin was singing songs backstage to McMahon. He was never that good at it, but he was decent and the effort was there at least. McMahon never had it in his heart to really tell him that he sucked. When Angle showed up, he sang "Jimmy Crack Corn" and was way off key. McMahon left in a huff. Austin ripped Angle for being so bad. During another backstage moment, Austin gave McMahon a cowboy hat that matched his own. What did Angle get? A miniature hat. It looked absolutely ridiculous, but Angle was funny enough to make it work. It was visually funny and the dialogue only added to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPp0ukVFRts Their segments were as good as you'll see on any kind of comedy show. Their timing was incredible. They were two of the best wrestlers ever in these segments with McMahon and they were able to entertain us without being in the ring. It just showed how talented they were. All of it led to Angle becoming a top babyface while Austin stayed heel. They had great matches together, which was no surprise considering the chemistry they had outside the ring too.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.