10 Genius Hints WWE Dropped About Future Feuds

2. Vince McMahon Doesn't Believe In Daniel Bryan

Vince McMahon Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan's rise from technically-proficient midcarder to world class bearded headliner was special to see unfold between 2012-2014. In 2013, after John Cena personally handpicked Bryan as his WWE Title opponent for SummerSlam, Vince McMahon showed up to vehemently disagree with that call.

To him, D-Bry wasn't championship material.

One forgotten story thread from around this time is that Triple H clashed with Vince's outlook and lent his support to Bryan. There were several moments that hinted towards Trips being the man to raise Daniel's hand in celebration against McMahon's wishes should he win the belt - that's why Triple H was installed as special referee.

Once he'd revealed his true colours and turned on Bryan at SummerSlam, everything made sense. Why would Triple H side with Daniel over his own father-in-law? If anything, his over-protectiveness of Bryan was a clue that Hunter was setting the popular babyface up to fail.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.