10 Genuinely Impressive Real Life Acts By Professional Wrestlers

8. DDP's Accountability Crib

Ddp Yoga Interview Diamond Dallas Page is known for being relentlessly positive in the face of adversity. One need only see Jake Roberts' Hall of Fame acceptance speech for proof directly from the mouth of a friend. After starting out late in the wrestling business Page rose to become one of the top stars in WCW, winning championships and making friends along the way. Since moving on from his in-ring career Page has been involved in a number of ventures. For one his yoga workouts are used by thousands across the globe but perhaps even more impressive is the Accountability Crib. At the Accountability Crib Page provides his time and effort to help those who have fallen on difficult times, helping them face up to their issues and develop into better people as a result. Fans will know that such wrestling luminaries as Jake Roberts and Scott Hall have lived at the Accountability Crib. Through his work two of wrestling€™s saddest punchlines have made enormous strides towards recovering from the myriad of issues that they have suffered through. Furthermore Page has demonstrated that there is life after wrestling and confirmed his reputation as one of the most giving athletes in the sport today.

Lee Price is a writer for 411mania.com and Starburst Magazine, which is published in the UK. He is currently working as a freelance writer. He hopes to one day fund his addiction to video games by writing about video games, and he maintains a sporadically updated blog at leesrandombulls*it.wordpress.com