10 Gimmick Ideas WWE Were Right To Turn Down

7. 'Spacecore Holly' (Bob Holly)

bob holly spaceman
WWE.com / WhatCulture

It's not uncommon for pro wrestlers to take some time off to heal injuries, "learn a new hold" (as Jim Ross would say) or start a family. It's totally uncommon for anyone to book a holiday and spend their free time climbing the corporate ladder over at NASA. That's what one WWE writer had planned for Bob Holly in ECW.

As crazy as it sounds, said writer liked the thought of marrying ECW's home on the then Sci-Fi channel with a gimmick that'd feel right at home. That's why Hardcore Holly almost turned into 'Spacecore Holly', an astronaut who might've been able to make use of Max Moon's old rocket boosters.

They even pitched a monkey sidekick.

If this sounds like the kind of movie Tom Hanks would've starred in during the early-90s, then you're absolutely correct, but it was an honest-to-goodness pitch for Bob. Thankfully, somebody saw sense, probs upon realising that nobody was clamouring for a wrestling version of Buzz Aldrin.

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