10 Gimmick Ideas WWE Were Right To Turn Down

3. 'The Female Shield' (Paige, Summer Rae & Anya)

Paige Summer Rae Anna Bogomazova

Think of this spin-off group as WWE's version of The Iron Maidens. Sure, it's a solid alternative, but it doesn't quite have the same oomph as Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose did, just as The Maidens don't hit the same high notes as Bruce Dickinson and company.

Unlike Maidens though, this all-female Shield never really got going.

There is footage of an early promo from Paige, Summer Rae and Anya online. It shows the NXT trio (talking over The Shield's music) blasting Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose by saying their job is "only half done". Then, Rae says men shouldn't do women's work, and that the Divas division is the place that needs saving most.

As hard as everyone tried here, it just wasn't that convincing. Being honest, it would've sucked hard had WWE introduced an all-female version of The Shield to NXT programming and expected fans to take it seriously as anything more than a cheap imitation.

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Big E
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.