10 Gimmick Matches WWE Should NEVER Book Again

10. Kennel From Hell

Kennel From Hell

There's no better place to start than here.

The 'Kennel From Hell' match at Unforgiven 1999 between Big Boss Man and Al Snow was an unintentional comedy of errors. The "attack dogs" positioned between cages were there to snarl, bark and act aggressively, but they were far too busy humping one another and crapping all over the place for that.

Those turds were like a visual representation of the bout's quality. Seeing the old blue-barred steel return was weird enough, but placing that inside the iconic Hell In A Cell structure made things even more trippy. This was, by far, one of the least-effective gimmick matches in WWE history, and it must never return.

Start getting worried if Roman Reigns turns babyface and back into the 'Big Dog' next year. WWE might not learn from this dire piece of history, and they could be doomed to repeat it. Nobody wants to see this again. Nobody.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.