10 Gimmicks That WWE Dropped Without Explanation

2. 'Jamaican' Kofi Kingston

Kofi Kingston


Wait, what? The lyrics to Kofi Kingston's old WWE theme song are actually, "S.O.S, I hear them shoutin'?". Get out of here!

It's true; Kofi's jammin' old entrance tune was painstakingly designed to give him as much stereotypical Jamaican flavour as possible. That's why he rocked a thick Caribbean accent too.

Then, in 2009, he dropped that cold.

Kingston went from doing a decent Bob Marley impersonation to speaking in his natural voice and never looked back. Since then, WWE have made occasional jokes about the change, but they largely try to steer clear of reminding fans about Kofi's "Jamaican me crazy!" days.

Aside from hinting that it was just a character (how's that for honesty?), the company hasn't fully explained why Kingston was happy to kid on he was Jamaican. In 2009, they also changed his designated hometown from Kingston to Ghana.

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Wade Barrett
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