10 Gimmicks WWE Should Bring Back For The PG Era

10. Doink The Clown

The good thing about the Doink gimmick is that it's timeless and anyone, within reason, can play it. Because of the makeup and generic nature of the gimmick (it's just a guy in a clown costume, really) you could stick it on anyone down in the WWE Performance Centre and call them up to TV tomorrow. The Doink character has been played by many wrestlers in the past, including Steve Keirn, Nick Dinsmore and Steve Lombardi. Chris Jericho even played Doink, during an angle with William Regal. The character was most notably played by Matt Borne, who died of an accidental drug overdose in 2013. It could be argued that WWE should retire the gimmick out of respect for Borne, but it could also bring the gimmick back as a way of paying tribute to his most famous role. Doink could be brought back as either a babyface or a heel, as 'Evil Doink' is an interesting spin on the character. Besides, you have to know that Vince is dying to see custard pies back on WWE TV after a lengthy hiatus.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...