10 Glaring Problems WWE Must Solve Before SummerSlam 2021

1. Stop Relying On Good Matches To Save The Day

WWE mess

WWE's biggest strength has played a hand in creating its greatest problem.

WWE's talent roster is, as previously mentioned, choc-a-bloc with world-class wrestlers who can put on great matches at the drop of a hat. And while that fact should be a delicious cherry on top of the cake that is WWE, the writers are using the cherry's sublime flavour to mask the fact that it's topping a woefully stale product.

Look at the last two PPVs as an example. WrestleMania and Backlash both suffered from utterly atrocious build-ups, yet against all the odds they managed to put on a decent show thanks entirely to the in-ring efforts of the wrestlers involved. Fans were left raving about the quality of matches such as Banks/Belair and Reigns/Cesaro, and it's telling that the most "Sports Entertainment" (i.e. heavily scripted) matches were the ones that left a sour taste in fans mouths (Looking at you, Zombiejacks and Fiend/Orton).

WWE writers have been coasting for months, if not years, on the fact that no matter how bad of a job they are doing, come PPV time the company's stellar workers will save the day. But this trick has diminishing returns, and if the company's dwindling ratings are any indication people are starting to realise that the only time to tune in to WWE is to watch the latest PPV.

WWE's wrestlers have had to pull the writers out of the fire one too many times. It's time for WWE to burn its creative team to the ground and build something better from the ashes.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.