10 Glaring Problems WWE Must Solve Before SummerSlam 2021

2. "Comedy"

WWE mess

Contrary to what the increasingly unbearable Jim Cornette might think, in wrestling funny makes money. Colt Cabana revealed to the sadly-defunct PowerSlam magazine that he made a hell of a lot more cash peddling his comedy schtick on the indie scene than he ever did as Scotty Goldman in WWE, and AEW's Dark Order only got over once they ditched the hokum supernatural gimmick and became a group of lovable losers.

So it's easy to understand why WWE tries its hand at comedy now and then. Unfortunately, the key word there is "tries".

The recent tomato debacle showcases exactly what Paul Heyman meant when he once told Joey Styles "Nobody does comedy quite like WWE". In a widely-derided skit, the genuinely funny New Day were reduced to pelting John Morrison and the Miz with rotten tomatoes - an admittedly understandable urge among anyone who watches the dross Monday Night RAW has been serving of late.

In Undisputed, Chris Jericho's second autobiography, the former Y2J explained that most of WWE's humour is written solely to appease Vince McMahon, with Jericho citing his infamous 'Planet of the Apes' segment as an example.

Unfortunately, Vince's mind is slightly out of sync with the average individual's, and if WWE writers want to appeal to a larger audience they should probably stop writing for a man who is locked in an eternal power struggle with his own facial hair.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.