10 Glaring Problems WWE Must Solve Before SummerSlam 2021

7. Supernatural Shenanigans - Part 2

WWE mess

Fair play to Alexa Bliss, she's living her best life at WWE right now. The former Goddess is clearly having a whale of her time in her current role as RAW's resident evil, and her energy crackles through whenever she's on-screen. (Just look at that pic! When was the last time you looked like you were having that much fun at work?).

Unfortunately, WWE have had to rely solely on Bliss' charisma to carry her segments because the writing around her has been utterly woeful. To put it bluntly, WWE needs to sh*t or get off the pot with Alexa. Bliss' cryptic warnings and nonsensical ramblings need to be in service of an actual feud, or she's just wasting airtime.

If The Fiend was overexposed by being placed in too many matches, Bliss currently has the opposite problem. Without an opponent for her to torment in the ring, her current supernatural schtick feels like all build-up and no pay-off.

This is, thankfully, an easy flaw for WWE to fix - just give Bliss a target for her supernatural ire and her appearances on RAW will stop feeling like an attempt to pad out the show's increasingly tedious three-hour runtime.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.