10 Great AEW Wrestlers Who'd Be Better Off In WWE

1. Wardlow

Ethan Page

Over the summer, Wardlow really did feel like the next big thing. His babyface turn and feud with devilish former employer MJF was a smash hit, and chants of "Wardlow" rung heavy everywhere he went. After his long-awaited showdown with 'The Salt of the Earth' got somewhat undermined by MJF's real-life company issues, Wardlow was moved into the TNT Title scene.

This move would've been fine if it weren't for 'Mr Mayhem's bizarre promo explaining that he wouldn't challenge for the AEW Interim World Title because he wanted to wait for then-actual champ CM Punk's return. If Wardlow had ever watched a bit of UFC, he'd know the quickest way to challenge an absentee champion when they come back is to the win the interim belt in the meantime...

The months since haven't been much better as he's meandered through aimless title feuds and angles. His recent TNT Title loss could free him up for a return to feuding with MJF. However, between his disappointing run and recent loss of a midcard belt, he wouldn't be entering such a major program at his most over or credible.

Wardlow's tailor-made for WWE. Between the jacked physique, over-the-top facial expressions and powerhouse wrestling style, it's easy to picture the Connecticut conglomerate pushing him in a similar fashion to his hero Batista if he jumped ship. While beating Roman Reigns is a stretch, challenging for the big gold against 'The Tribal Chief' would be a monumental step-up from what he's been given of late.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.