10 Great Matches From WWE No Mercy PPVs

1. Shawn Michaels Vs. Chris Jericho - World Heavyweight Title Ladder Match

Chris Jericho The Rock No Mercy 2001

From 2002's Match of the Year to 2008's Feud of the Year, as Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels finally settled a half-year-long score in a dramatic ladder match over Jericho's World Heavyweight Title. The two had already met in a gritty unsanctioned match and a match in which HBK's eye was nearly removed from its socket, but they ramped up the violence for this main event clash.

Jericho very nearly had one of his teeth removed here after a face-first meeting with the steel, as both men took exisiting ladder match tropes and spots and performed them with added bitterness and hate. They weren't trying to outdo previous ladder matches in terms of crazy bumps (although their back suplex counter through announce table certainly was high-risk), but told a different story that fit their rivalry to a T.

This was two guys who one another doing all they could to hurt the other man in their pursuit of the gold. It looked like Michaels had the match one at one point, before Lance Cade rolled in and prevented it. He ate some Sweet Chin Music for this trouble and The Showstopper went back to the task at hand.

A tug of war over the title belt ensued, with Jericho just scraping the victory thanks to a well-timed headbutt. It was a novel finish to a great match, one of the best of 2008 and one of the best in No Mercy history.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...