10 Great Matches From WWE Vengeance PPVs

4. Brock Lesnar Vs. Kurt Angle Vs. Big Show (2003)

John Cena Mick Foley Vengeance 2007

Speaking of incredible triple threat matches taking place at Vengeance, Angle managed to better himself one year later, replacing Rock and Undertaker for Brock and Big Show. Similarly to 2003, there was a fear that the slower, less mobile participant would significantly harm match quality but that turned out not to be the case.

Angle had been absent for several months while he underwent neck surgery and when he came back he was ready to reignite his feud with Lesnar, who had defeated him for the WWE Title in the main event of WrestleMania XIX. This time, though, he was a babyface. Show was inserted as he had been the one feuding with Lesnar in Angle's absence and the two behemoths still had unfinished business.

They started the match hot and heavy, with Show almost snatching the victory immediately after hitting a chokeslam and Final Cut on Brock, only for Angle to save. The two amateur wrestling standouts then eliminated Show from the equation with a double chokeslam to Show, before battling it out amongst themselves.

The news continued to get worse for Show, as he was dropped with a running powerbomb from Lesnar (a genuine holy sh*t moment) and an Angle Slam through the announce table. Show would rally later, finally hitting the double chokeslam, but it wasn't to be: Angle outlasted him, nailing both Show and Lesnar with Angle Slams to win the WWE Undisputed Title.

This one had some of the recurring problems of triple-threat matches (such as the constant need to take a guy out to make it 1 versus 1 for large portions), but it was pretty damn good on the whole.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...