10 Great Matches From WWE Vengeance PPVs

3. John Cena Vs. Bobby Lashley Vs. King Booker Vs. Mick Foley Vs. Randy Orton (2007)

John Cena Mick Foley Vengeance 2007

If three ways are hard to do well, then four ways are, erm, well... harder. As for five ways, well, they're, erm, even harder to do than four ways. Okay, so basically every time you add another body into the mix it potentially gets a little harder to figure out. The main event of Vengeance 2007 (also known as Vengeance: Night of Champions) was headlined by a very eclectic fatal five way match.

WWE Champion John Cena defended his title against recent Raw draftees Bobby Lashley, Bobby Lashley, Randy Orton and, for some reason, Mick Foley. This was Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy's last big time WWE match, and he certainly didn't phone in his performance. No one did, really, which is what made this fast and furious scramble such an entertaining watch.

After clearing house early, Lashley unleashed a jaw-dropping over-the-top-rope dive onto the other four. He continued to dominate with power moves, dropping Booker with a unique backbreaker and Cena with a mighty spinebuster, before the brawling resumed. Foley was taken out with the always vicious-looking knee-first bump into the ring steps.

Then, in a wonderful sequence, Lashley countered an RKO on the floor (with Orton taking a salty back bump on the floor padding) only to turn and walk directly into an FU through the announce table. Orton resurfaced in time to break up Booker's pin attempt on Cena, allowing Cena to hit his usual comeback on the King.

Unfortunately for him, he took a little too long setting up a Five-Knuckle Shuffle and wandered into an RKO with Foley preventing the pin. Mr. Socko came out, a steel chair was introduced and the finishers started flying, the breathless sequence ending when Cena hit the Mickster with an FU for the three.

At around ten minutes in length, this one never had time to get boring, all five men worked hard and Lashley came out of it looking like a superstar for the future.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...