10 Great Superstars Who Will Never Be WWE Champion

5. Cesaro

In an ideal world, Cesaro would win that upcoming Survivor Series tournament for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, but if you believe anyone other than Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose will end up in that final match, you may want to get a reality check! Vince McMahon has made it clear that he doesn't view the Swiss Superman as the Next Big Thing, and despite the fact that Cesaro has been tearing up Raw and SmackDown with show-stealing matches in recent months, his position on the card is showing no signs of changing. Could Seth Rollins no longer being around change that? Probably not. The problems McMahon sees with Cesaro haven't changed since that podcast interview, and whether you agree with his assessment or not, Cesaro's amazing in ring abilities and support from fans aren't ever going to be enough to get that title around his waist when those in charge don't perceive him as a draw of any sort. How the decision can be made that Cesaro can't sell tickets without giving him a chance to prove he can is hard to say, but given the amount of time he's spent in the midcard, a step up to the main event scene as champion seems unlikely at best. Even Daniel Bryan had at least headlined PPVs and held major titles before his unexpected push to the Mania main event. Cesaro doesn't even have that going for him.
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