10 Great Superstars Who Will Never Be WWE Champion

6. Baron Corbin

If Breaking Ground has made anything clear, it's that Baron Corbin has aspirations to become a main event player in the WWE. However, one of the most shocking revelations to come out of that show is just how arrogant Corbin is away from his in ring persona. With that kind of attitude, the former football player going far seems doubtful, especially as he'll no doubt upset a lot of people who matter on his way up the card. Of course, the attitude he has certainly hasn't stopped plenty of other wrestlers getting ahead in the business, but the way NXT crowds have rejected him also doesn't bode well. He very much comes across as the next Roman Reigns; he'll be forced on the WWE Universe as a top tier talent, struggle in that position, and ultimately fail to find success. He still has a long way to go, but his promo and wrestling abilities leave much to be desired, and while the latter has certainly improved, he's not exactly the next Seth Rollins and arguably lacks the charisma required to get over in a major way. When and if Corbin does get to the main roster, he'll no doubt get a push similar to his initial NXT run, but I find it hard to imagine him finding a place on the card even similar to other recent and initially dominant arrivals like Rusev and Bray Wyatt. He lacks the character depth of either one of them, and while it could be too early to say he'll never be champion, can you honestly see this guy headlining a WrestleMania?
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