10 Great Tag Teams WWE Needs To Sign

1. The Young Bucks

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Could there be any other pick for the top spot?

Not only the best tag team working outside of the WWE system today, The Young Bucks are also probably the hottest (and highest earning) act on the independent scene. With their rapid and exciting high spot-based ring style, the duo are putting on some of the most exciting tag matches in the business today, with some of the best double team maneuvers you're ever likely to see.

The current holders of both the ROH and the IWGP junior heavyweight tag team titles, Matt and Nick Jackson have truly carved out their own niche by fully embracing their indie darlings status and playing up to their over-the-top personas fully.

Sadly, it seems unlikely that we'll be seeing the Bucks in WWE or NXT in 2017; they've just reportedly re-signed their contracts with Ring of Honor and New Japan for another two years. Still, we can but dream that the Superkick Party will come to a WWE ring one day in the near future. It'd be too sweet.


Working babyface out of Mid-South in the eighties...