10 Great WCW Moments No One Ever Talks About

10. Chris Jericho Is The Man Of 1,004 Holds

Probably the most criminally underused talent of the WCW era was Chris Jericho. A survivor of the Hart Brothers School of Wrestling, Jericho could possibly be the last wrestler left who actually traveled to territories all over the world and learned different styles. Jericho wrestled in Germany, Japan, Mexico, Canada, and honed his craft in Smoky Mountain Wrestling and Extreme Championship Wrestling before signing with WCW. Debuting as €œLionheart€ Chris Jericho (the name he used in Mexico), Jericho was your standard €œpretty boy€ babyface who had a nice moveset but absolutely no character for the audience to connect with. It wasn€™t until Jericho turned heel in 1997 that he finally found the persona that would make him a star: A total whiny jerk. Jericho began by collecting €œtrophies€ from his opponents. He forced Juventud Guerrera to unmask, stole Prince Iaukea€™s Hawaiian skirt, and confiscated the Disco Inferno€™s headband (not the headband!). However, it was Jericho€™s feud with technical master Dean Malenko that provides us with the first moment on our countdown. http://youtu.be/QpNmTNkuYQA?t=5m47s Malenko had long be touted as the €œMan of 1,000 Holds€, someone who didn€™t need a personality or charisma because he was that good in the ring. Jericho set his sights on Malenko and named himself the €œMan of 1,004 Holds€. On March 30, 1998, Chris Jericho defeated Marty Jannetty on an episode of Nitro in basically a squash match but that wasn€™t the interesting part. After the match, Jericho produced a 20 foot long list that he claimed was a collected of all of his 1,004 holds. With seemingly every other move being €œARMBAR!€ and a submission called the Moss Covered Three Handled Family Gredunza. It was impossible not to laugh at Jericho€™s ridiculousness.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.