10 Great Wrestling Feuds That Spanned Multiple Promotions

1. Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn

Kevin Steen El Generico Kevin Owens Sami Zayn
Wiki/Ring Of Honor

This entry requires revealing that Sami Zayn and El Generico are the same person, but Sami himself has now gone on the record with that information, so don't feel too bad. 

In Ring of Honor, Kevin Steen and El Generico began life as a team, even winning the tag titles in 2008. This all changed at Final Battle 2009, where Steen turned on his masked friend, setting in motion an all-time great rivalry that was also waged on the west coast in PWG.

The highlight of this feud in Ring of Honor was the insane Ladder War from Final Battle 2012, where Steen and Generico damn near killed each other over the ROH World Championship. After this, Generico left for NXT, with his ex-bestie was not far behind. 

On his very first night on the black and gold, Steen (now rebranded as Kevin Owens) attacked Sami Zayn after he won the NXT Championship, kicking off the next chapter of their feud. 

In NXT and on the main roster, with and without The Bloodline, Owens and Zayn have provided some of the greatest WWE moments of the last decade, and you get the feeling that they are nowhere near finished with each other.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.