10 Great Wrestling Feuds That Spanned Multiple Promotions

2. Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio

Kevin Steen El Generico Kevin Owens Sami Zayn

Ask anyone with even a passing knowledge of WCW what the best match in the promotion's history is and there's a high chance they'll say Rey Misterio Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero from Halloween Havoc 1997.

These two both came from esteemed Mexican wrestling families, so had met a few times before in AAA, but their rivalry in WCW is what helped them become global stars. The Halloween Havoc match still holds up after all these years, so it's no surprise that WWE were eager to put them together again in 2005 (after a brief overlap on the indies, no less). 

Eddie and Rey fought each other in the opening match of WrestleMania 21, when they were both tag team champions. After failing to beat his partner, Guerrero grew increasingly more frustrated, eventually dropping the bombshell that Rey's son Dominik was actually his. 

Yes, this is that feud. 

One of the last singles matches these two had together was at SummerSlam 2005, when they fought over the custody of young Dom Dom in a bizarre ladder match. It might not have been perfect - just ask Vickie - but Rey has spoken about his fondness for this particularly match, and who are we to disagree?


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.