10 Greatest Calls Of Jim Ross’ Career

1. King Of The Ring 1998

It’s nigh on impossible to look beyond King of the Ring 1998 for the site of the greatest of all JR’s many great calls—and more specifically, the Hell in a Cell match between the Undertaker and Mankind.

The match itself was nothing short of incredible, providing JR with the perfect cake on which to apply the icing, with more of those lines that made us question the events unfolding before our very eyes, once again blurring the boundary between fiction and reality.

Such quips included “good God almighty, they’ve killed him!” and the wonderfully hyperbolic “as God is my witness, he is broken in half” as Mankind pushed the limits of what the human body can endure. “Somebody get out here, really, I mean it!”, he begged, probably not totally in character, before Mankind would then take a tumble through the cell roof, prompting JR to plead “will somebody stop the damn match? Enough is enough!”

Too many great calls to mention in this match, and in all honesty, too many to mention for a mere top ten list. I know there’s plenty of others I’ve missed off—in reality there were so many instances to choose from that this could have easily been a top 100.

If you have any further JR calls that you’d like to share, please feel free to do so in the comments below, and be sure to let me know what you thought of the ones that did make the cut!

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