10 Greatest Canadian Wrestlers Of All Time

8. Killer Kowalski

Wwe Canada

Walter “Killer” Kowalski is a WWE Hall of Fame member and certified legend within the wrestling industry. Born in Windsor, Ontario, Kowalski was born to polish immigrants and would incorporate that heritage into his gimmick during the Cold War. Wrestling for numerous promotions during his career, most notably the NWA and WWWF, Kowalski captured over forty titles throughout his forty-six year in-ring career. He was also the first person to ever pin Andre the Giant in North America (1972), which is a nice feather to have in your cap.

Killer Kowalski was a trailblazer in the wrestling world as he was one of the first legitimate villains during the early ages of televised wrestling. Out of the ring, however, Kowalski was considered so friendly and polite (Canadian) that some wrestling promoters complained about the way he dropped character in public. That did not change the fact that inside the ring Kowalski was perceived as a ruthless villain. One shining example of this occurred in 1952 when Kowalski ripped part of his opponent’s ear off while performing a knee drop. The Killer was later reported laughing at his victim at the hospital he was recovering. In reality, the injury was an accident due to an already badly cauliflowered ear; and Kowalski was laughing with his opponent in the hospital after a joke. Despite the reality of the situation, the story that was told in the media furthered Kowalski's image as a heel.

Following his initial retirement in 1977, Kowalski started a professional wrestling school in Malden, Massachusetts. Among the alumni of this school are: Triple H, Chyna, Perry Saturn, Big John Studd, Kenny Dykstra, Damien Sandow and Fandango. This school, as well as the various moves he popularized, guarantee that Killer Kowalski remains a steady influence in the wrestling industry even after his death in 2008.


Philip German hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.