10 Greatest Owen Hart Ribs Of All Time

7. Donut Drug Addict

Owen Hart

Like all forms of touring entertainment, WWE superstars develop personal habits to combat the monotony of life on the road. Some of these are healthier than others. As Head of Talent during the Attitude Era, it was up to Jim Ross to keep the wrestlers in check and his responsibility to deal with anyone who was guilty of any wrongdoing.

After giving an unnamed superstar a stern talking to about the perils of cocaine addiction, Ross headed to the arena to begin broadcasting. On his way to the announcer's table Ross was shocked to see Owen stumbling down the hallway towards him, seemingly high as a kite.

On closer inspection there was white powder covering Owen's top lip, looking for all intents and purposes as if he too was now abusing the substance. Ross was speechless. How many of these guys were now on drugs?

Letting Owen's squeaky clean reputation give him the benefit of the doubt, Ross challenged him before quickly finding out that it was merely the frosting from the top of a doughnut that Owen had found in catering - he was simply the victim of his latest rib. Ross later said that Owen would often give him magic moments like that to combat boredom and help them all fight the stress of their respective jobs.

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