10 Greatest Powerbomb Variations In WWE History

9. Razor Ramon's Crucifix Powerbomb

There€™s some degree of debate as to whether Razor Ramon€™s Razor€™s Edge finisher constitutes a powerbomb, but technically speaking it is indeed classified as a Crucifix Powerbomb. In fact, if anything, the Razor€™s Edge is more like the move that Thesz showcased all those years ago, with the opponent initially lifted onto one shoulder rather than two. Razor then develops the move though, by dangling his foe behind his head€”hence the crucifix moniker€”before launching them down onto the mat. Often the opponent would land on his neck, making the move appear all the more effective and eventually helping Razor amass four Intercontinental Championships€”as well as a match of the year award€”during his first stint with the WWE. However, at other times Razor would slide his opponent across the canvass upon impact, almost making the move more of a drag than a slam. As a result, the Bad Guy will have to settle for ninth spot on this list. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ12mHipnFA

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