10 Greatest Powerbomb Variations In WWE History

8. Kane's Falling Powerbomb

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETj7pLMzCuE Given his size and stature, it's of little surprise that the Big Red Machine added the powerbomb to his repertoire at the turn of the millennium. Since then, he€™s only used the move fleetingly, but that doesn€™t mean that it wasn€™t any less devastating back in the day. Kane€™s variation was a simple Falling Powerbomb. When applying the finishing touch to the move, he would kick his legs out behind him€”much like the aforementioned Swagger€”to greatly enhance its overall impact. Unlike Swagger€™s Gutwrench though, Kane used the conventional method of lifting his opponent to his shoulders. This achieved far greater height and thus made it slightly more impressive than our number 10 entry. Of course, as previously mentioned, Kane only used the move for a small amount of time, and rarely€”if ever€”uses it these days. With the Chokeslam and the Tombstone more favoured finishers, it€™s hard to rank Kane€™s powerbomb higher than this, no matter how effective it looked.

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