10 Greatest Powerbomb Variations In WWE History

5. Sid's Release Powerbomb

We move into the densely-populated Release Powerbomb territory now, starting with Sycho Sid. As the name would suggest, this powerbomb is a fairly straightforward rendition that involves the typical powerbomb set-up, only for the executor to simply release their opponent and allow them to fall to the mat. Some argue that this variant lacks any real venom due to the way in which the opponent is dropped rather than slammed. But then again, there€™s nothing ineffective about being dropped from the shoulders of a man pushing seven feet tall. It was this height that made Sid€™s powerbomb so effective. The move became a trademark of his, helping the big man win a pair of WWE Championships during his second stint with the company and become one of the most intimidating guys on the roster. His version would rank higher, but unfortunately Sid was prone to the odd error when busting out the powerbomb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoeMtsx22c0

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