10 Greatest Powerbomb Variations In WWE History

4. Vader's Release Powerbomb

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znOdXmOHiOc Vader, on the other hand, was far less prone to error. His powerbomb was something of a throwback to the very move that started it all. Much like Thesz in the 1950s, Vader tended to position his opponent on one shoulder rather than two, before releasing the unfortunate foe and letting them fall to the mat. Unlike Sid€™s Release Powerbomb though, Vader€™s seemed to pack a little extra punch. Maybe it was just the nature of his gimmick, but there certainly appeared to be less nonchalance and more aggression in the way in which Vader dropped his opponent onto their back. Of course, for much of Vader€™s WWE tenure, he favoured the Vader Bomb splash as a finishing manoeuvre. The best examples of Vader€™s powerbomb actually came from his time in Japan or with rival companies such as WCW. For that reason, it€™s difficult to place Vader higher€”given that this is a WWE list€”but it was still a fearsome powerbomb from the Mastodon nonetheless.

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