10 Greatest Ring Of Honor Matches Ever

1. Samoa Joe Vs. CM Punk (Joe Vs. Punk II, 2004)

CM Punk Samoa Joe

Listen to any interviews with 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, and the legend will consistently remind everybody that he is no stranger to hour-long wrestling matches. Nowadays, 60-minute matches aren't quite so common, partly due to the fact that they'd stretch attention spans beyond their limits in the modern era.

That didn't stop CM Punk and Samoa Joe from delivering for an entire hour at an event named after their showdown in October 2004. As the defending ROH World Champion, Joe went into the bout looking like one of the most dominating pro wrestlers on the planet. Punk felt like a definite underdog, but he'd already been booked to take the champion to the limit before.

In the end, the visual fans were left with was that Punk had once again matched Joe, but the champion had his challenger beat before the time limit expired. Viewed independently, this match doesn't mean quite as much as it would as part of the trilogy between the pair.

However, it's still a complete spectacle, and one of the greatest achievements in the respective careers of both men.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.