10 Greatest Wrestlers In Lucha Libre History

8. "Cavernario" Galindo/ "Caveman" Galindo

Status: Deceased.

One of the OGs of Mexican Lucha Libre, there are few legends in this sport as widely known as Cavernario Galindo. He debuted back in 1938, during an era of savage fights and almost non-existent regulations. Loved by the masses because of his irreverent attitude and brutal strength, Caveman Galindo is fondly remembered by true connoisseurs of Lucha Libre history.

Starting as a wrestler with an undefined style and a skinny frame, Galindo improved his physique and refined his technique until he became a presence feared even as he approached the ring. Antagonist to some of the great heroes of old during the golden era of Mexican Lucha Libre (1950s-1960s), the memory of Cavernario endures to this day in the shape of folk songs, street art and other manifestations of pop culture.

He occasionally featured in exhibition matches during the early '90s, up until he suffered a crushing vertebrae fracture that would lead to body mobility issues, and eventually to his death a few years later.

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