10 Greatest Wrestling Managers Ever

9. 'Captain' Lou Albano

Paul Heyman

With looks as crazy as the wrestlers he represented, 'Captain' Lou Albano was a wild man figure who ranted and raved more than actually presenting cohesive, well thought out promos. Not every manager needs to be the same though, and that's something Albano was clearly very much aware of throughout his career.

He stood out due to the lack of killer suits and well-groomed looks. Instead of going for the agent feel most managers rely on, he looked utterly insane. In his era, he was only really matched by the likes of The Grand Wizard Of Wrestling and Freddie Blassie, all of whom were remarkably different from the others.

Most famous for his stint managing The Wild Samoans, Albano also worked with the likes of The Headshrinkers, The British Bulldogs and The Valiant Brothers. In terms of singles performers, he can also look back on a career standing at ringside for top stars like Jimmy Snuka, Don Muraco and Greg Valentine.

Due to the part he also played in the WWF's crossover into mainstream success during the 1980's, Albano deserves a place on any list looking at wrestling's greatest managers.

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Paul Heyman
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