10 Greatest Wrestling Managers Ever

8. Paul Bearer

Paul Heyman

Much like Paul Ellering with The Road Warriors, not just any manager could have been placed beside The Undertaker. By far the most unique and chilling character to come out of the WWF creative machine, 'Taker is now regarded as a legend in the industry. Even upon his debut in 1990, people could see there was something unique about him.

Initially, it was Brother Love who was placed with 'The Deadman', but it wasn't a great fit. Undertaker needed someone who shared his macabre gimmick, which is where Paul Bearer entered the scene. Even before becoming the ghostly pale manager for such an infamous gimmick, Bearer had been a successful manager.

Known as Percival Pringle III before transitioning into the role of Bearer, the man was superb as a performer. His high-pitched delivery during promos has become iconic, but his facial expressions were top notch too, both as Pringle and Bearer.

Bearer and 'Taker proved a winning combination, so much so that WWE backed the legendary manager back to replicate that success with the likes of Mankind, Vader and the original incarnation of Kane.

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Paul Heyman
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