10 Greatest Wrestling Managers Ever

4. Jimmy Hart

Paul Heyman

Complete with air-brushed ring jackets and his trusty megaphone, Jimmy Hart was the kind of ringside nuisance that fans often loathed. Known as the 'Mouth Of The South', he became infamous for his perpetually squeaky delivery during promos and his over-excited nature. Fans just loved to hate on Hart, hoping that he'd someday get his comeuppance from a favoured babyface.

Watch any match featuring the likes of Greg Valentine or The Honky Tonk Man from the WWF of the 1980's, and it's hard to concentrate fully on the ring. Sometimes, that can be a bad thing with managers, but Jimmy was so good at spewing instructions through his megaphone that it somehow worked.

Looking flashy, yet diminutive and weedy, Jimmy Hart was ideal foil for his wrestlers. Even when working with a babyface Hulk Hogan during the mid-1990's in WCW, he managed to make himself vital to the act being presented. That can't have been easy, given the weight of Hulk's star presence.

Hart always tailored his appearance to his individual wrestlers, giving a customised feel to his performances and helping him stand out.

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Paul Heyman
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.