10 Greatest Wrestling Managers Ever

2. Paul Heyman

Paul Heyman

A familiar trait amongst managers is finding that one performer you really identify with and suit working alongside. For Paul Heyman, that man is Brock Lesnar. The combination is killer, Heyman provides the outspoken voice for Brock's incredible physical attributes. The whole thing is a match made in heaven for pro wrestling.

In addition to Lesnar, Heyman also had a very successful spell managing CM Punk, but his success can be traced back long before he began working for WWE. As far back as the 1980's, Heyman was causing audiences to foam at the mouth as Paul E. Dangerously, carrying his trademark cell phone everywhere and coming across like the kind of guy you wanted to see put in his place.

Working with guys like Steve Austin and Rick Rude, Heyman was also on fire behind the announce desk. Any self-respecting manager needs good talent to work with, but there has long been a sense that Heyman can make anyone look good.

That's probably why WWE handed him such ill-advised projects as Ryback and Curtis Axel, feeling Paul would be able to get them over. That didn't happen, but his mind-blowing promo skills make his speaking segments a complete joy.

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Paul Heyman
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.