10 Greatest WWE PPV Matches Under 5 Minutes

1. Owen Hart Vs. 1-2-3 Kid - King Of The Ring 1994

Edge, Matt Hardy

Duration: 3:37

You don't see a match barely over 3 minutes long listed in the Top 10 matches of the year very often, but Owen Hart vs. Kid at King of the Ring deserves that honor.

When bookers request a sub 5-minute match, this is the ceiling they're hoping the performers can hit. The workrate was incredibly fast, the ring psychology was surprisingly accomplished, and there wasn't a single wasted movement from bell to bell.

The big story in this match was that Kid was coming into it with an injured neck thanks to the multiple piledrivers he received from Jeff Jarrett earlier in the night. The injury not only lent some extra tension to the proceedings, but it also drove the pace of the match. Kid wanted to finish it early because he knew Owen was going to attack his weak spot every chance he had.

The commentary was near-perfect, as well. Randy Savage couldn't have done anything more to put these two young wrestlers over. Every time they hit an effortless plancha or executed a mesmerizing reversal, Savage was quick to tell the audience how happy he was to be retired so he didn't have to get in the ring with them.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.