10 Greatest WWE PPV Matches Under 5 Minutes

2. Dynamite Kid Vs. Randy Savage - The Wrestling Classic

Edge, Matt Hardy

Duration: 5:00

A one-off show following the success of WrestleMania, this tournament-style Pay-Per-View has slipped through the cracks of most fan's memory banks. That's a shame, because even though it was an overstuffed card with an abundance of criminally short matches, some of those matches were still pretty awesome. (Like the Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat match that gave us a taste of things to come at WrestleMania III.)

But of all these short bouts, it was Savage and Dynamite Kid that stole the show. Which is fitting, because Dynamite remains one of the most underrated high-flyers of all time, and Randy Savage couldn't put on a bad match in his early WWE days if you broke both of his ankles and made him wear an eyepatch the whole time.

The storyline of this match was that both men were tired after wrestling two matches each earlier in the night, but that didn't stop them from pulling out some big tricks, like a perfect front dropkick to Savage -- who was standing on the top turnbuckle -- and one of the first superplexes ever seen in the WWE.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.