10 Greatest WWE PPV Matches Under 5 Minutes

6. Brock Lesnar Vs. Kofi Kingston - The Beast In The East

Edge, Matt Hardy

Duration: 2:41

No, The Beast in the East wasn't technically a Pay-Per-View event, but considering it was a one-off that aired live on WWE Network, we're counting it.

Proof that not all squash matches have to be disappointments, this wholly (and logically) one-sided fight between Brock Lesnar and Kofi Kingston did what it needed to do. It reaffirmed Brock's dominance by letting him not just decimate his opponent, but do it so effortlessly that he looked like a superhuman gorilla playing with his food.

There's not much more you could have or should have expected from a match like this. Brock was coming back from a suspension and needed to be fed. It was a brutal beatdown orchestrated by a pissed off monster , and anything else would have felt a little odd.

Then again, the very idea of putting Kofi into the ring with Brock on a night like this is pretty odd, too. Luckily, it paid off and provided one of the biggest highlights of the night in an otherwise shaky card.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.