10 Greatest WWE Tag Teams Of The Past 10 Years

6. Tyson Kidd & Cesaro

Tyson Kidd Cesaro Natalya

WWE just love the idea of making Cesaro a tag-team star, huh? Years before the 'Swiss Superman' was teaming with Sheamus, he was aligned with Tyson Kidd in a move WWE's creative team likely didn't think too long or hard about. This was complete throwaway, make no mistake about that.

It was only due to the individual talents of both men that the team even gained traction in the first place. By early-2015, Cesaro and Kidd were referring to themselves as 'The Brass Ring Club' and WWE started to take notice of how seriously the pair were taking the team. That's likely why they were handed the Tag Titles at Fastlane.

Sadly, Tyson went down with a serious neck/spinal injury in June 2015, and he hasn't wrestled since. That was the end of the team, stopping their run before Kidd and Cesaro could further bed in (or be fully considered as) a full-time unit. That doesn't alter the fact the team were stellar inside the ring. Matches against The Usos and The New Day are well worth seeking out.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.