10 Greatest WWE Tag Teams Of The Past 10 Years

7. The Hart Dynasty

The Hart Dynasty

Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith were only together on the main roster for just over a full year before WWE's creative team decided to split them up in late-2010. At the time, this felt like a missed opportunity, and the same could be said for their fledgling popularity as a babyface trio alongside Natalya.

WWE rushed when they didn't need to with The Harts. The big man/little man dynamic was well-worked, and there was a throwback feel to the team. Coming across like an update of The British Bulldog's team with Owen Hart, The Dynasty just needed more time to bed in and establish themselves. Before they could do that though, WWE pulled the rug.

The team did win some Tag-Team Titles in WWE and must be considered one of the best true duos of the past decade despite WWE's own failings. It's just a shame creative split them when they did, because Kidd and Smith could have been a top unit for years to come rather than a short-lived experiment.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.