10 Harsh Truths Vince McMahon Needs To Understand About WWE Network

10. Fans Want Older Episodes Of Raw, Smackdown & Nitro

Raw Wcw Nitro If you grew up watching wrestling during the Monday Night Wars period in the mid to late 1990s then you know how great that period of time was. You would assume that WWE knows how much of an interesting time it was because they have announced a show called "The Monday Night War" on WWE Network. They will have featured performers talking about certain aspects of the shows from those days, which will provide great insight although a lot of things on it will be stuff already covered in previous DVDs over the years. How much new info could there really be? What fans really want to know is can they log on to WWE Network, search for an episode of Raw or Nitro from 1998 and find it on WWE Network right away? No they cannot. They're not there yet. Maybe later this year. Maybe next year. We don't know exactly when that's going to happen. There are episodes from the last couple of years on there and random shows from the first couple of years as well as some of the 1990s, but Raw has done nearly 1100 episodes and for them to only have about 15% of them available is upsetting to a lot of people. There are also 15 years of Smackdown, 6 years of Nitro and other shows that could be on there too. They spent years building up this Network to be this revolutionary thing, yet they don't even have their old TV shows (or the ones they bought from WCW) on there. That's disappointing to a lot of people.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.