10 Heaviest Wrestlers Of All Time

1. Happy Humphrey (750lbs)

Yokozuna WWE Heavy
By http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=352814354769151&set=a.348259125224674.100714.322277464489507&type=1&theater, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=36572884

Weight In KG: 340.1

Seven hundred and fifty pounds.

That's how much Happy Humphrey weighed during his wrestling career. Humphrey's huge size meant he needed help getting around, and that's how he met a then-teenage Harley Race. The future NWA World Champion's job was to aid Happy and even shower him back at the hotel room!

Humphrey regularly wrestled fellow giant Haystacks Calhoun in exhibition matches. One even sold out Madison Square Garden. The promoter? None other than Vince McMahon Sr. That's in line with how Vince Jr would book big man vs. big man matches, eh? Humphrey vs. Haystacks was the spiritual predecessor to bouts like Earthquake Vs Yokozuna and Big Show vs. Akebono (sumo gimmicks aside).

Happy continued bulking after his retirement from the ring in 1962. He'd work a few more matches after that, but not many, and reportedly weighed in as heavy as 900lbs post-career. If true, then that's staggering. Surely that number is just a rumour that caught steam?!

Humphrey is the heaviest wrestler ever. He'll never be beaten.

For more great wrestling content, check out 10 Wrestling Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth and 10 Strongest WWE Wrestlers EVER


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.