10 Heel And Face Turns That Were Miserable Failures

4. Tatanka Turns Heel (1994)

This one is not only notable for how it damaged the career of the man involved, but also for what could have been had WWE chosen to go a slightly different direction. Tatanka was like Rikishi in the sense that he was surprisingly over considering his character, and had embarked on a lengthy unbeaten streak that included wins at WrestleManias VIII and IX before finally losing his first match to Ludvig Borga. The Native American gimmick was all over WWE TV at the time. In the summer of 1994 Tatanka started accusing Lex Luger of secretly being on Ted DiBiase's payroll with Luger adamantly denying it. When the truth was revealed we found that Tatanka himself was the one who had joined The Million Dollar Man's Corporation and turned heel. No one cared and the former semi-main event player was demoted to near-jobber status before he left the company to little fanfare in 1996. Had they turned the natural heel Luger instead and returned him to a more Narcissist-type character such as the one he entered the company with they likely would have gotten far more mileage out of both talents. Instead Tantanka quickly fizzled out and Lex struggled to fit Vince's mould of being the next Hulk Hogan until he departed for his old home of WCW.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.