10 Heel And Face Turns That Were Miserable Failures

3. Ric Flair Turns Heel (1999)

The Nature Boy turns up on this list once again, and for many of the same reasons as the earlier entry. If WCW fans didn't want to boo Ric Flair in 1994, they sure as hell didn't in 1999, especially considering the way the turn was handled. Uncensored 1999's match between Flair and Hulk Hogan is a catastrophe. Billed as a first blood barbed wire steel cage match for the WCW world title and permanent control of the company. Going into the match Flair was the face and Hogan the heel, but they tried to pull of a double turn in where Flair somehow winning despite the fact that he had been bleeding in plain view of the ref for half the match and both guys were attempting pins in a bout where they aren't supposed to count. It was a tangled mess of epic proportions and ended with Arn Anderson slipping his old buddy Ric a tire iron to go upside Hulkster's head with, and the fans weren't buying it. This could have been the end of the nWo once and for all and led to Hogan coming back as a face, instead the double turn just confused the crap out of everyone and pissed off the WCW audience. Then again, infuriating the fans is something the writers were doing an awful lot during this time period.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.